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10 Things You Can Learn About Using A Coaching Approach

Network Coach ELIZABETH WAINWRIGHT shares her expertise on how coaching can be used as a leadership tool to unlock people's potential and help achieve goals in their community. Here’s 10 things you can learn...

  1. Traditionally, leadership has often involved one person telling others what to do. Although this approach is sometimes helpful, for many, leadership is becoming more about supporting and guiding others. ‘Coaching’ is a tool that can help you with this transition.

  2. Coaching means supporting and guiding people to achieve their goals. A leader who takes on a coaching approach often asks questions instead of providing answers. They support others without judging them. And they often facilitate, rather than dictate what needs to be done.

  3. Coaching helps to create a culture of learning. It encourages us to be curious, and to want to find answers - this helps us all learn and grow!

  4. Coaching allows us the time and space to think. Often people rely on others to come in and fix their problems. By creating time and space, coaching often allows change to come from within. It gives you the tools to evaluate where you are and what you want to achieve in future.

  5. One simple coaching tool is the 'GROW' model. It stands for ‘Goals’, ‘Reality’, ‘Options’ and ‘Will’. It’s a model you can use to ask questions and help guide others towards actions that will support them to achieve their goals. Let’s look at each of these four words now.

  6. Goals: A goal is what someone wants to achieve within a given time frame. When you are coaching someone, try to ask questions that will encourage a focus on the future, like , ‘What are you working towards?’ or ‘What does it look like?’ or ‘How will you know when you have achieved it?’.

  7. Reality: Dig deep and be clear on the current reality in relation to the person’s goal. What is their current situation? What are their obstacles? How does this make them feel? Who else is involved in them achieving their goals?

  8. Options: What options do they have in their situation? What and who can help them prepare? What else could they do? Encourage them to come up with as many ideas as possible.

  9. Will: Of all these options, ask them what specific things WILL they actually commit to do?

  10. Arukah offers free coaching to its members! If you’re a Cluster member and would like to access coaching in order to achieve your goals, then please do get in touch. Email

If you are planning on running a training session, here are 11 expert tips to get you started.


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