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The Goma Cluster - "We are taking ownership of our future."

The Goma Cluster is situated in North Kivu, a green and rich region that is increasingly hosting displaced people from the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

One of their many goals is to improve the economic condition of their Cluster and Community at large. 

To achieve this, they met together and decided to initiate a grassroots approach aimed at turning them into chicken farmers to help improve their living. They then made financial contributions and recently bought a chicken incubator. 

Jackson, who is one of the Cluster leaders, believes that a well used chicken incubator can increase the success rate of egg hatching and increase the number of chickens. This in turn, will help the Cluster:

  • Generate income through selling the eggs or chicken

  • Improve food security though having a source of protein

  • Create local job opportunities by employing people to manage the incubator

  • Teach the community members skills in business management, agricultural technology and sustainability.

The Cluster believes that communities, even the most marginalized, have the inherent capabilities necessary to take ownership of their future.

We wish the Goma Cluster all the best as they begin their new project.

To learn more about the Goma Cluster and what else they are doing, click here.


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